Breaking News: You Can Love Books & Not Read 50+ Books A Year.

*Grande Nouvelle : Vous Pouvez Aimer Lire & Ne Pas Lire 50+ Livres Par An.

I feel like Youtube and, overall, the Internet is full of titles which look like “How I Read 50+ Books This Year”. Do not get me wrong, those titles and the tips people give through that content can be very useful in motivating you to read more, but there is quite a gigantic side-effect.

In my eyes, reading must be a moment of happiness and not of competition. Life is enough of a competition as it is, at work and in many other areas. Let’s not make reading one of these competitive places, please.

We should all focus on the quality of our books and of our moments of perusal, not on the quantity of books we can read in a given amount of time. Oh, if you force yourself, you will probably be able to read a lot of them, but will you be happy?

“Yearly Reading Challenges” used to be fun, but I am not sure they are as healthy anymore. Some of them still are, but most of them are just merely showing-off and I hate my passion becoming a competition-related thing. It takes away the fun of reading, at least for me.

Reading should not be one more “To Do”, your list is long enough, it should be your little door to another, more serene world.

So let me tell you that in 2020, you can still read for yourself, read for pleasure and read for fun. Numbers are everywhere (social media, bank account &c.), we do not have to give them a place on our bookshelves. If those challenges motivate you, then keep going but if it makes all the fun disappear, quit those challenges because you are like me: they are just not right for you, and that is fine.

J’ai l’impression que Youtube et Internet tout entier regorgent de titres du style “Comment lire 50+ livres par an”. Ne vous méprenez pas, je trouve que ce contenu peut être très motivant, mais je pense surtout qu’il a un terrible effet secondaire.

A mes yeux, on lit pour être heureux, pas pour entrer en compétition. La vie est suffisamment pleine de compétition, au travail et partout ailleurs, ne laissons pas la lecture devenir l’une de ces sources de compétition, s’il-vous-plaît.

Nous devrions nous concenter sur la qualité de nos livres et de nos doux moments de lecture, pas sur la quantité de livres sur notre “pile à lire” (drôle d’invention selon moi, pourquoi ne pas l’appeler “ces livres que j’aimerais lire”?) Si vous vous forcez, vous pourrez probablement lire 50+ livres cess année mais la question n’est pas là. La vraie question est : serez-vous heureux ?

Les challenges de lecture annuels m’amusaient autrefois, mais je les trouve de plus en plus malsains. Je déteste voir que ma passion devient doucement une compétition supplémentaire. Ces challenges m’enlèvent peu à peu le plaisir intrinsèque à la lecture, et je compte bien supprimer de ma vie cette compétition ambiante.

Lire ne devrait pas être une “chose à faire” supplémentaire mais une petite porte vers un meilleur monde, un monde de sérénité.

Alors laissez-moi être celle qui vous rappelle qu’en 2020, on a encore le droit de lire pour le plaisir, pour la détente, et pour soi. Les chiffres sont partout (réseaux sociaux, compte bancaire &c.), ne les laissons pas s’immiscer dans notre bibliothèque. Si ces challenges vous motivent, continuez-les mais si ils font disparaître le plaisir de lire de votre quotidien, cessez de les poursuivre. Vous êtes peut-être comme moi : ces challenges ne sont pas faits pour vous, et ce n’est pas un problème.

  1. I know this feeling because I have struggled with it for a long time. Seeing other people finishing up loads of titles, sometimes in triple digits. One of the many reasons I ended up deleting Goodreads challenges and not being on the platform more. I tend to get competitive at times and it can be stressful when it’s not for the entirely right reasons.

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    1. I could not agree more. I love writing my reviews and feel like Goodreads is still the simplest way for me right now to know where I am at with my books (I read like 5 at a time which I sometimes never finish) but with time, I think I may delete it as well. For now, I just stopped looking at those challenges and other people’s “read” because it was not disheartening. As someone who kind of likes competition as well and is unfortunately still a little bit of a perfectionist, I want to make sure reading remains a pleasure and not a stressful activity. Thank you so much for your comment. 🙂

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  3. I absolutely agree that reading should not be a competition. People lead such hectic lives; reading provides much-needed time for calm and reflection. I am a big fan of reading mindfully and slowly.

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    1. Thanks for your comment! I totally agree, slow living is so important in today’s world and I think books are one of the best ways one can practice that lifestyle regularly.


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