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  • Why emails kill your efficiency and mental health (and how to correct it)
    I have published lately a post on a mindset shift: looking efficient is sometimes counter-efficient. In the latter, I suggested writing an entire post on the question of emails, and why they more often than not kill your efficiency. On average, we receive about 100 emails/day when in a leading position, and somehow I do receive about 200/day, 80 of them being somehow ‘urgent’ (though I really do not like this term; if it is really urgent, you call me and if you do not have my number, most likely your definition of urgency will not be impacting me directly). Seeing these emails sit around, or trying to answer them all, has necessarily an impact on our feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day. The truth is that the emails are there anyway, and: …
  • Mindset shift: learn to do what you want to outsource!
    Here I am again with a counter-intuitive post because this is what I love writing the most (and I know you love them too!). One of the fun parts of blogging, in my opinion, is the possibility of opening my readers’ minds (and mine, actually) to new ways of thinking about old things. Today, I would like to talk briefly about ‘outsourcing’. This is a concept that applies both to your professional (e.g., delegating to your colleagues or employees some tasks) and personal (e.g., paying for a cleaning service) life. Thus, I think the concept definitely touches everyone out there.
  • Study what you love: your degree won’t give you a job, you will – A controversial opinion on choosing degrees.
    As you know, I am quite a fan of unconventional mindsets when it comes to studying. Lately, I have been thinking a lot about the choices we make when it comes to the degrees we choose. Quite often, we choose a degree based on the options it keeps open for us; however, more often than not…

Our approach to simple & productive living

Topics we cover

We focus on health and learn how not the get exhausted. We learn that life is a marathon, not a sprint.

We get things DONE. Living slowly does not mean being slow. Thus, we cover methods you can use to be both productive and stress-free.

We read lots of books, because it is what I study in grad school, what I am passionate about and the core of my job as a librarian.

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Because a Natural Over-Achiever Needs to Rest, not to Achieve.

the “hustle culture” is trendy, but balance is good.

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