Another life update (yes, that is the 1st 2023 post!)

To be honest, I arrived at the automatic yearly payment for my blog last May and started writing this post. Then, I felt uninspired and left it for the day I would feel like the time had come to start writing rather seriously again. Thus, maybe it is time to start again? For sure, I will not have time to update the blog regularly – you will most likely understand why in the section below –, however, it still seems interesting, from time to time, to update those of you who still love reading my words. Ready?

PS: The previous post of the sort is available here! You will see, it is quite funny to consider the discrepancy between, the “plan” (2.07 2022) and today (29.12 2023, a little more than a year after). 😉

A new job – and what a job!

I feel like every year, I do the same update: I HAVE A NEW JOB! I swear this time, it is here to last. I am now a Chief of Staff for the European University of Technology. There is definitely more to learn about this job on my LinkedIn, and I would love to write an entire post on the matter. It all started somehow in January 2022; I was still a student then in my second year of master’s. I had met, a few months before, a woman at the library as she was choosing books in English for her (French) children. We started talking for quite a long time and exchanged our contact details. A few months later, I was starting a job as a translator at her university. From position to position, about a year later (January 2023), I started this job as a Chief of Staff. I want to keep it real: this job is a tough one, and this is why I would love to talk about it more often around here to really explain what it is really about, and how to handle some of the challenges you will necessarily face if you choose such a career path (especially as a woman at 23, the age I had when I took to position).

It is however more than worth it: I get to learn a lot about not only my job and European politics and diplomacy, but also about myself. Coordinating the team is such a blessing and at the same time, forces me to look deeply within myself to be the best possible not only for me but for them and for the success of what we are building. At such a young age, it is an experience I do recommend if you get the chance because it challenges you to grow up and identify very early on your strengths and weaknesses. This is an emotional toll indeed, but totally worth it if you feel in yourself the willingness to go for it and the strength to handle it.

I have graduated

It feels like years now, but I have graduated from my master’s in the Summer of 2022! I am so happy about the journey it has been studying for 5 years, and I am still more than in for a PhD later on. For now, I focus on my job, but I must admit that working in a political field at university does remind me regularly of my wish to do a PhD!

You may also like: Negotiating income: the blueprint you were looking for

I created a political party

Well, yes I did, but I also quit. Let me explain! In January 2023 (what a month!), I got in touch with your regional representative who was preparing for the launch of a political party, and he asked me to be the vice vice-president for it. At first, it felt like quite a big step, and with what was then my new job, I was not sure if it was the best moment, but I said ‘yes’ anyway. I absolutely do not regret it: building the foundations of a new party has been one of the most contributions I could have made in 2023, however now I have resigned and could not feel better. Why so, you may ask? Simply because I am now sure that sometimes, some things are meant for you for a while, and it is then your mission to know where to take a step back and leave the things you have created to people who have the time and resources to make it flourish while you do need to outgrow the said thing and try something new.

I now travel every month

One of the perks of my job (at least, it is a perk for me) is that I get to travel all around Europe basically every month. This year alone, I have been to (several times for some): Bulgaria, Romania, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Latvia, Spain, Cyprus, and Belgium. Working in such a multicultural environment is, in my eyes, one of the most beautiful things you can do at such a young age as you get to learn a lot not only about others but also about yourself (this is quite the trope of this post!). If you have the opportunity to get such a job, even if you think you are too shy, or too little anything, please take it. This will change you forever!

I have passed my driver’s licence!

This will look like not a big deal to some, but those of you who have been following my adventures for a while know that it is quite an accomplishment. I have had the worst fear of driving for literally years, and finally passed my exam and got it. Let it be an example for all of you that everything is possible if you leave yourself with the grace of time and commitment.

I am now in a relationship

I do keep my private life private, and Heaven knows I love it to be, but I also think you knowing that I am in a relationship sheds light on some of my upcoming posts and thus, it makes sense that you know.

And so much more

Of course, there is so much more I could be writing, but I leave it for other times. I do not plan on writing as regularly as I used to as now, entrepreneurship is a tiny part of my (packed) schedule, and thus I can’t dedicate as much time to writing as I used to. However; for those who stuck around (and I know some did from my stats and messages), it can be a good opportunity to catch up. I want to blog to become a part of my life again, but really as “just blogging”, nothing monetary or business-oriented. I want back the light way of blogging we had when we started 9 years ago (!!!), hoping it is fine for all of you.


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