It is your first time at life: just relax (here is how)!

I had this thought crossing my mind, and I thought it would be important to share it. This is the type of post for which the title can be quite the content: just read it a few time, as a starting point.

Recurring thoughts as human beings

1, 2, 3… Done? Let’s dive into the topic a little further for those who have a few minutes to dedicate to this. I am one to think that thoughts cross our mind for a reason, and that thousands of us share the very same thoughts from time to time. However, some of us say them out loud, or share them online, while others keep them in the secrecy of their heart. And each of those who decide to share have a different way to express the thought. What I mean is that most likely, you have already had this very same thought: it is your first time at life!

I have never quite understood the race for ‘figuring it all out’. I do understand how calming this seems on paper, but let’s be honest: would not we be bored stiff if we had it all figured out? Actually, I know personally (and you probably do too) people who either do seem to have everything they are supposedly required to have by a certain age (the house, the children, the stable career…) and who are miserable, or people who do seem to know exactly where they are headed (sometimes the same people)… but when I ask them in all honesty, they all answer the same thing. Which is…?

“I have no idea what I am doing!”

Accepting human nature

This is just pure honesty. We tend to struggle with it because not knowing what we are doing with our life, or striving for something else when we seem to have it all on paper, is deemed “problematic” in the society we live in. However, we are surrounded more than ever with altered messages on social media and the media at large; do you really think anyone knows what they are doing? I do not think so. However, what I think is that lots of people have learnt to hide what they consider to be a fault. It is not a fault: it is human nature.

Life as a book

We as humans are experiencing this world for the very first time (or there is something I have been lied about!). Why do you think we could know all the answers? More important than this: do you really think that knowing the answers would imply having a better life? Is not the whole point of this to try figuring it all out? I do see life as a kind of book, maybe a thriller (without the too-dangerous elements…), fast-paced, and fun, and sometimes heartbreaking… but ever so entertaining!

I suggest we all sit down, take a breath, and reflect on our life this way: this is all a book. A very complete, interesting, entertaining, book. A book we are reading for the first time, and one we won’t be ever re-reading. So we’d better enjoy the experience as it happens, because this is both our very first and our very last chance. Not to sound morbid, this is just factual. And if this is your first time, of course you do not know exactly what to do, or how things will unfold… but is not it the fun of it?

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