Unveiling Your Potential: A Cure for Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever suffered from imposter syndrome? I do daily, for basically any matter, from the most central item to the silliest thought. It goes so far that sometimes, I end up doubting my very thoughts: are they legitimate? Am I even ‘allowed’ to think this way? Well, spoiler alert: I am great, most people think I am incredible in whatever I work on, and my thoughts are legitimate. However, I keep feeling like an imposter… or should I stay, used to! Today, I can happily say I have found a way out of it. Is it perfect? No. Is it actionable, not really, though I will give you at the end of the post a few steps which have helped me. However, the main help is coming from one single thought…

Most people end up at the top and deserve their place afterwards.

Yes, you read it well! 😉 I am not saying that hard work does not pay off, or that you will end up on top of the world with no effort. I am simply saying that more often than not, you are given opportunities because of your potential, not only because of your achievements. If someone sees something in you and chooses to give you a chance, do not fall into the trap of thinking this is ‘charity’, or that you need to prove yourself 10 times to deserve the chance. You have the chance, now this is what matters.

Naturally, you will want to deserve this chance… but this is actually the right way for things to happen, though counterintuitive. It is fine to be learning to be the best after you are given the chance to become the best. This does not make you an imposter, my dear. At all. Once you have understood that, you will see that your life changes almost instantly.

However, there are also two actionable key steps that have helped me support this mindset shift:

  • Read this affirmation regularly/ensure you think about it several times a day. Just reading this post once will simply open a new mental door for you, but won’t in itself change a thought pattern.
  • Create a portfolio of proof. There will be days on which you feel like an imposter, which I fully get. On those days, having a note on your phone full of wonderful things you have completed or have been congratulated for will be a game-changer. It is your own database of evidence that you are a great achiever and not some imposter.

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