I launched a blogging Instagram account (& my thoughts on social media)!

Good evening everyone and welcome back to the blog. Tonight, I would simply like to share with you a small news that sounds big to me: I launched an Instagram account for the blog! I am fully aware that usually, it is the other around: people love Instagram and then, they decide to create a blog. To tell you the truth, this is what happened to me too but a few years ago, I decided to get rid of Instagram once and for all. After a few months considering getting back on this social media, I decided it was time for me to make the decision: I am ready. I know that the way I put it can feel dramatic, but if you have been following me for a while, you probably know that I used to be extremely active on that platform. Stopping it all was a mindful decision I will never regret and these Insta-free years have allowed me to rely on myself fully when it comes to validation. Let’s be honest, social media is the type of place that tends to make you feel the need for external validation, and that is something I deeply despise. I do believe that like most things in life, it is all a matter of the use you make of it and now that I feel ready, I want to take the good things Instagram has to offer.

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However, I do not want my decision to “pressure” you to make one. Once more, I am extremely happy of my previous decision of quitting the Instagram universe. Actually, I would highly advise you to take such break if you are considering it as, to be honest, once we consider it, it is time to take the leap. However, I also think it is bad not to be on social media at all because you have started creating an identity for yourself that is “anti-social media”. I definitely ended up being on that part of the scale and that is not healthier than feeling pressured to post everyday.

Thus, the idea of this post is simply to remind you to “do you”. You do not have to be on social media, but you do not have to fully vanish from it either. Sometimes, we just want to experiment and that is precisely what I am trying to do.

I see you next week for a real-length post (& on Instagram),

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