No Need to Prove Anything: Embracing the Gift of Life

You do not have to deserve the life you live. You being there and living it is already enough in and of itself. In this hustling hard era (guilty!), the idea of already being ‘enough’ is quite difficult to grasp as we spend our lives climbing the ladder and proving ourselves over and over. I remember clearly the day my former boss and mentor told me something I will never forget:

You have nothing to prove.

Simple, right? However, the most simple sentence sometimes has the deepest effect. There is nothing you have to prove in life, and this applies to yourself too. You were born in this world, and there is no way you then need to deserve this blessing. It is your blessing to be lived, and this is more than enough. If you constantly try to prove a point, to prove yourself, to be extraordinary, chances are you will never live in the present moment. However, as cliché as it seems, the present moment is all you have. Thus, please, take a deep breath and realise that you do not have to deserve this life: living it is good enough.

The only aim of today’s post is to be eye-opening, period. I hope at least one of you who stumble on it will leave your screen having a whole new perspective on life, and on yourself.



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