3 life-changing lessons Jiu-Jitsu taught me.

*3 incroyables leçons de vie que j’ai apprises en découvrant le Jiu-jitsu.

JiuJitsu is for women too. GTA club, kimono and a smile.

What is Jiu-Jitsu?

Do you know Jiu-Jitsu? I feel like that discipline has become more popular those last few years, but I also think it is quite new so maybe you do not know: let’s do a tiny little recap. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is derived from Judo and, just like Judo, it is considered a martial art. It keeps the rules of Judo: you do not hit the person in front of you, you stop that person, it is all about grasping. The main difference is that Jiu-Jitsu is mostly practiced on the ground. I do think it is an important sport to try as a woman because, well, life can get dangerous, especially for us, and being able to defend ourselves when on the ground can literally save our lives.

I was personally into self-defense and boxing when I met my my boyfriend who is a jiujitsuka. I did not go into a club to learn that sport, he taught me as I did not feel like going to a club and practicing being on the ground with men, but is is a personal opinion. Now, there are classes in my town dedicated to women so I may have a look at these.

* Qu’est-ce que le Jiu-Jitsu?

Connaissez-vous le Jiu-Jitsu? J’ai l’impression qu’il en est de plus en plus question dans les médias, mais je pense aussi que c’est une discipline relativement jeune et que certains d’entre vous pourraient ne pas connaître: faisons donc un petit récapitulatif. Le Jiu-Jitsu Brésilien (JJB) est dérivé du Judo et, comme le Judo, il est considéré comme un art martial. La principale différence entre les deux arts martiaux est que le JJB est majoritairement pratiqué au sol. Je pense que c’est un sport qu’il est intéressant d’essayer en tant que femme car la vie peut malheureusement s’avérer dangereuse, en particulier pour nous, et qu’être capable de se défendre lorsque l’on est au sol peut sauver notre vie.

Pour ma part, je pratiquais la self-défense et la boxe avant le JJB et c’est mon conjoint qui m’y a initiée. Je n’en fais pas en club puisque je me vois mal me retrouver au sol avec des hommes mais c’est un avis tout à fait personnel. Un nouveau cours a ouvert récemment, dédié aux femmes cette fois-ci, peut-être irais-je y faire un tour!

The life lessons we can learn from BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)

Technique over appearance

In Jiu-Jitsu, contrary to most martial arts, your weight or the amount of muscles you have do not really count. I am quite small and even though I gained quite a lot of muscle lately through weight-lifting, I am still more of a “cardio-woman”. If I can manage to win against my security-guard-boyfriend, you can too!

In Jiu-Jitsu, technique matters over you weight. If you can anticipate the adversary’s movements, you can stop them and you can win; it is a discipline I find really intellectual.

Les leçons de vie que peut nous apprendre le JJB

*La technique compte plus que le physique.

En Jiu-Jitsu, contrairement aux autres arts martiaux, votre poids et votre masse musculaire comptent peu. Je suis plutôt petite et même si j’ai récemment pris du muscle grâce à la musculation, je suis plutôt branchée “cardio”. Si j’arrive à me défendre contre mon chéri agent de sécurité, vous le pouvez aussi!

Au JJB, la technique compte par-dessus tout. Si vous pouvez anticiper les mouvements de votre adversaire, vous pouvez l’arrêter, l’immobiliser et gagner. C’est une discipline que je trouve personnellement très intellectuelle.

You can always bounce back

As I told you, Jiu-Jitsu is mainly played on the ground. Thus, you are usually in a position where most people would feel really vulnerable. It is so good to see that even when you are the most vulnerable you can be, you are still able to bounce back and win over someone who looks “stronger” and in better position that you are.

* On peut toujours se relever.

Comme je vous l’ai dit, ce sport se pratique majoritairement au sol. Ainsi, vous êtes souvent en position de faiblesse. Il est agréable et rassurant de voir que, même lorsque l’on est vulnérable, on peut toujours se relever et gagner contre adversaire visiblement plus “fort” que nous et en position de force.

You need to bend if you do not want to break

Last but not least, I would say that Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is all about bending. You need to compare yourself to a branch. In Winter, when there is snow on the branch, the small branch able to bend and let the snow fall down is going to remain okay. On the contrary, the bigger branch, even though bigger than the first one, may break if it is not flexible enough to let that snow fall down.

In Jiu-Jitsu, you need to bend, just like the branch and if you learn how to bend, you will become stronger than a more muscular adversary who would never bend and always break.

* Il faut savoir plier pour ne pas casser.

Engin, je dirais que le JJB repose avant tout sur la capacité à plier, à s’adapter. Vous devez vous comparer à une branche. En hiver, lorsqu’un branche est pleine de neige et même si elle est toute petite, elle peut plier et laisser la neige tomber; si elle le fait, elle demeurera sur l’arbre tout l’hiver. Cependant, une branche plus épaisse, en apparence plus forte, peut se briser si elle n’est pas suffisamment souple et ne laisse pas tomber la neige.

En JJB, il faut savoir s’adapter, tout comme la petite branche et si vous apprenez à vous adapter, vous deviendrez plus fort que la majorité de vos adversaires pourtant plus musclés que vous l’êtes.

I hope you liked that post and, who knows, maybe you will want to try Jiu-Jitsu next season. What about you, do you practice any sport? If yes, what life lessons can you draw from that sport?

If you liked that post, do not forget to subscribe, it helps a lot. 🙂

* J’espère que cet article vous a plu et, qui sait, peut-être donnerez-vous une chance au JJB à la rentrée sportive prochaine! Et vous, pratiquez-vous un sport? Si oui, quelle leçon de vie pouvez-vous en tirer?

Si vous avez aimé cet article, n’hésitez pas à vous abonner, cela m’aide beaucoup. 🙂


  1. I’m with you 100%. As a therapist and a brown belt I always say that if everybody did jiu jitsu I would be out of a job. I’m trying to implement a program now where I can combine jujitsu and mental health. I’ve helped save a few kids that way from depression and anxiety but there still a lot of work to do

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is a really great idea. In general, I truly believe that physical activity can help improve mental health but Jiu-Jitsu especially. There are so many values linked to this sport that it helps someone create the person they are in a sense. And it helps seeing the world differently as well.
      By the way, congratulations for the brown belt!

      I wish you luck,


      Liked by 1 person

    2. The both of you would be more than welcome down here. If you don’t know it already the jiu jitsu family reaches to every end of the earth. If she come down message me and I can get you into a few different places just to try them out

      Liked by 1 person

    3. I’m not sure if I mentioned it before but I’m a clinical therapist and an ambassador for the We Defy Foundation. We’re trying to figure out a way how to make jiu jitsu a certified treatment for depression and anxiety.

      Liked by 1 person

    4. No you did not tell me. I am really happy to read that, it is a wonderful project & I am sure it will be possible to achieve it given the power of jiu jitsu. Anyone who has tried it can know it is a potential treatment for depression & anxiety I wish you the best,


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